lunes, 26 de julio de 2010

Most interesting blogs

Visit the most interestig blogs are:

This blog is a European blogging competition, project by the European Journalism Centre it´s about the climate change that is a main topic nowadays, people of any part of the world can post commentaries, ideas whatever they want through their blogs about climate change.

This blog is from Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, I chose because I like very much this country, the blog it´s about environment, consumer awareness and eco-tourism in Brazil

This blog is amazing is a platform for urban tourism mash-ups. It invites participants to become meta-tourists on simultaneous excursions through multiple cities.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Manuela
    i found your blog very interesting. i share your ideas about the pygmalion effect but i loved the most these blogs you suggested, especially the one about climate change. i was able to learn a lot about that topic that affects us everyday. good choice!
    hope to see more from you

  2. From all the bolg s I ve visited you are the only one I share one posted blog with. colunazero from Brazil, how important is to understand how our neighboor country develops its ecology.
