lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

The Corporation

Corporations are dedicated to the development of activities in several countries where he will seek further growth of its operations, major expansion of its activities, resulting in significat economic growth, given the low costs taht ill lower prices and an expansion of its mark.

Corporations operates legally as an individual person. It is not a group of people it is under the law a legal person. It buy and sell property, it can borrow money.

In Many cases they take advantages of thei powerful positions and of their credibility to reach their purposes no matter if they are doing the right thing, they hurt humans, animals and the environment while they increase their profits.

The multinational corporation is the most powerful institution of our time, dominating not only the global economy, but also the politics and cultures as well.
Corporations have a huge power that for good or bad has a lot of influences in our lives.


When we talk about migrations is really important know what its mean: the migration is the movement from one place to another in terms of countries and could be forced or voluntary, migrations depends on the social, economic and politic situation of the home country and the better situation of the host one.

People use to do this for many reason: improve quality of life, give better opportunities to them and their families, get a job, avoid poverty, etc. But sometimes they leave everything, thinking that in other country they going to have everything to live in a good way , but sometimes things doesn`t work and problems started.

A problem taht the world is facing now is that migrants, more of them women are often victims of sexual and physical abuse, exploitation, discrminations and others things. They are not having enough guaranties to protect their human rights.

Women gender are more vulnerable because although in this century are more inequalities for both genders, there are still countries where there is not gender equality, where women are denied access to certain jobs.

The IOM is an intergovernmental organization established in 1951, is committed to the principle that humane and orderly migratiosn benefits migrants and society; Also id working to get better laws that protect women from abuses, no matter if they are illegally in that country.

The IOM focuses in some areas to protect the women:

  • Promotes legal and safe migration for women.

  • promotes policies that regulated the recruitment and deployment of women migrant workers.

  • Protection of women migrant workers human rights

  • counter-trafficking activities including capacity-building and direct assistance to victims.

  • promotion gender-sensitive international migration policies.

Even today, women have access to some jobd that previously were not allowed access to the, is a visible difference between men and women.



South Africa is a country full of colors, cultures, races, ideologies. They created a philosophy that talks about the behaviors that people must have with others, also explains how organizatios should be work.
To talk more in depth in this topic, I have read "Building competitive advantages from Ubuntu: Management lessons from South Africa", I have some arguments to explain this philosophy, their behavior in companies and their lives.
First, let`s define UBUNTU: "can be defined as humaneness- a perceive spirit of caring and community, harmony and hospitality, respect and responsiveness- that individuals and groups display for one another" (Mangaliso, P. Mzamo, (2001) Building competitive advantage from UBUNTU: management lessons from South Africa, Academy of Management Executive, vol 15 no 3, pag 24).
It is a traditional African philosophy taht offers an understanding of us in relation to the world. According to Ubuntu, there is a common link between all of us and it is through this link, through our interaction with our partnerss that human beigns discover our own qualities, which means a person is a person through other persons. We affirm our humanity when we acknowledge the others.
Nowadays the Ubuntu concept is really relevant for racial diversity, and cultural, religious, educational adn socioeconomic differences that exist today, not only in South Africa, but around the world.
If instead of looking the ther as an isolated individual we should takan into account all the features and all possible differences, there are may be a greater opportunity to achieve understanding betwwen people. And the achievement of understanding is important and necessary because, like it or not, we are all interconnected.
Cross- cultural manager should be able to implement Ubuntu`s philosophy and promote an effective team work for the benefit of the organization, because this can help to increase competitiveness, quality and to waste less time.
When organizations encourage team work, employees create bond between them and achieved godd environments of works, better relations inside and outside work, continuity in their work task, etc. If organizatiosn use Ubuntu`s philodophy they can reduce some costs because when people are in team work, the time used in every task disminishes.
Finally I summarized Ubuntu`s philosophy in a famous phrase " I am what I am because of who we all are".