lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010


South Africa is a country full of colors, cultures, races, ideologies. They created a philosophy that talks about the behaviors that people must have with others, also explains how organizatios should be work.
To talk more in depth in this topic, I have read "Building competitive advantages from Ubuntu: Management lessons from South Africa", I have some arguments to explain this philosophy, their behavior in companies and their lives.
First, let`s define UBUNTU: "can be defined as humaneness- a perceive spirit of caring and community, harmony and hospitality, respect and responsiveness- that individuals and groups display for one another" (Mangaliso, P. Mzamo, (2001) Building competitive advantage from UBUNTU: management lessons from South Africa, Academy of Management Executive, vol 15 no 3, pag 24).
It is a traditional African philosophy taht offers an understanding of us in relation to the world. According to Ubuntu, there is a common link between all of us and it is through this link, through our interaction with our partnerss that human beigns discover our own qualities, which means a person is a person through other persons. We affirm our humanity when we acknowledge the others.
Nowadays the Ubuntu concept is really relevant for racial diversity, and cultural, religious, educational adn socioeconomic differences that exist today, not only in South Africa, but around the world.
If instead of looking the ther as an isolated individual we should takan into account all the features and all possible differences, there are may be a greater opportunity to achieve understanding betwwen people. And the achievement of understanding is important and necessary because, like it or not, we are all interconnected.
Cross- cultural manager should be able to implement Ubuntu`s philosophy and promote an effective team work for the benefit of the organization, because this can help to increase competitiveness, quality and to waste less time.
When organizations encourage team work, employees create bond between them and achieved godd environments of works, better relations inside and outside work, continuity in their work task, etc. If organizatiosn use Ubuntu`s philodophy they can reduce some costs because when people are in team work, the time used in every task disminishes.
Finally I summarized Ubuntu`s philosophy in a famous phrase " I am what I am because of who we all are".

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