lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

The Corporation

Corporations are dedicated to the development of activities in several countries where he will seek further growth of its operations, major expansion of its activities, resulting in significat economic growth, given the low costs taht ill lower prices and an expansion of its mark.

Corporations operates legally as an individual person. It is not a group of people it is under the law a legal person. It buy and sell property, it can borrow money.

In Many cases they take advantages of thei powerful positions and of their credibility to reach their purposes no matter if they are doing the right thing, they hurt humans, animals and the environment while they increase their profits.

The multinational corporation is the most powerful institution of our time, dominating not only the global economy, but also the politics and cultures as well.
Corporations have a huge power that for good or bad has a lot of influences in our lives.

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